The heads for the services of Mentor and Men

Guide Vision & Strategy

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In co-creation with senior management we design a common vision and develop a business & digital strategy, and an operational plan for the entire company


We organize vision and strategy sessions for our Focus Areas:

Client Centricity

  • Obtain board-level buy-in to embed client centricity into the company DNA
  • Align processes to the customer journey, customer value and client life cycle
  • Prioritize strategic initiatives

Digital operations

  • Introducing a digital business model, the way people, customers, processes and information connect
  • Defining a digital architecture
  • Determining the roadmap for selected projects

Sustainable business

  • Inspiring senior leadership on effective sustainability goals
  • Raising awareness and mapping the environmental footprint of the product life cycle
  • Elaborating a sustainability strategy and determing specific projects


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Mentor and Men BV
Verenigde Natieslaan 1 | 9000 Gent| Belgium
T. +32 (0)9 221 38 83
BE 0640.941.950