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At Mentor and Men we resolutely opt for a fully electric vehicle fleet. 

This is one of the ways in which we, as a consultancy company, want and need to contribute to our planet and the well-being of our society. A decision that was inevitable. 

elektrisch rijden

At Mentor and Men, we therefore resolutely choose the electric company car. 

Looking purely at the CO2 emissions of our cars, we will emit about 54.7 tons of CO2 less in the first year (with 30,000 kilometers of driving range per car per year). 

We are currently preparing this transition. Within a few weeks, the first Mentors will order their first electric car. 

Such a change to an electric car does not happen overnight. It requires specific preparation. 

How do we approach this transition in concrete terms? 

A small team of Mentors is currently going through the process from ordering to driving a first electric car. This provides interesting learnings and answers to a whole range of questions: 

- How do I deal with the installation of a Wallbox at home? 
- What do I need to do in case I have a 1-phase home network, instead of the necessary 3- phase network? 
- What questions do I ask my network operator? 
- What about the costs of charging at home? How are they settled? 
- What if I want to make my home charging station publicly available? 

This decision for a climate-smart fleet is bringing extra positive vibes among the Mentors. 

Want to surf those positive vibes as well? 

Check our vacancies or contact Kathleen Willemsen, our Talent Manager 

Mentor and Men BV
Verenigde Natieslaan 1 | 9000 Gent| Belgium
T. +32 (0)9 221 38 83
BE 0640.941.950