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My life as senior Solution Architect

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Who are you? 


Timmy. Dad of two beautiful daughters, guitarist at Deadly Serious and Mentor - senior Solution Architect at Mentor and Men. More than 15 years of experience in guiding customers in their digital transformation based on Microsoft Dynamics, with expertise in manufacturing, transportation, professional services, retail and distribution. 

What’s the added value you bring to your customers? 


In-depth knowledge of business processes ànd of the solution. I take care of the design of, and the integration between the central ERP business application and other operational applications. Think of CPQ / CRM, WMS, APS, MES. My goal is to ensure that business processes are supported end-to-end by integrated applications, thus transforming the application landscape into a real business enabler.  

What is your role? 


My role is diverse. It can be bringing clear understanding of the business needs and examining how applications can better support these business requirements. I also guide clients by sketching the system design and the data flow. I audit the performance of existing applications landscapes. 

My responsibility is often to ensure that that the core system, the ERP backbone, can work seamlessly with other applications, and that applications can be used as standard as possible, sometimes in combination with limited process adjustments. I ensure that process, systems and data are logically aligned and smoothly integrate. In short, guiding the customer on the business side in the implementation of crucial business applications, in order to achieve a successful implementation together with the implementation partners

What makes you happy professionally? 


When we are, as a team (The customer, Mentor and Men and the implementation partners) able to convert ideas and concepts, into truly working solutions, with real improvements for the client. That data runs smoothly through the integrated architecture. That the customer has “one single source of truth” - financial, sales or operational. I get really proud when, for example, the Board of Directors of a client requests specific insights and can have reliable reporting in the blink of an eye. Instantly enabled to make informed decisions to steer the organization and make it grow.  

Why Mentor and Men? 


For exciting and challenging client projects. To realize digital transformations at the customer’s side. For my steep personal growth and learning path. For the sincere appreciation I receive as a person and professional from customers and my colleagues. 

Mentor and Men BV
Verenigde Natieslaan 1 | 9000 Gent| Belgium
T. +32 (0)9 221 38 83
BE 0640.941.950